The Prophet’s Educational and Propagative Activities in Darul Arqam: An Analytical Study

النشاطات النبوية في دار الأرقم الدعوية والتعليمية : دراسة تحليلية

  • Abida Parveen Director, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi
  • Rafiullah M.Phil Scholar, Shaykh Zaid Islamic Center University of Karachi
  • Muhammad Mehrban Barvi Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Learning, Federal Urdu University Abdul Haq Campus Karachi
Keywords: Dar, al-Arqam,vital, role, education, of nascent, Muslim, community, formative, days, blocks, Prophet


Dar al-Arqam has played a vital role in the education of nascent Muslim community during its formative days. It was undoubtedly one of the earliest educational institution of Muslims wherein the Prophet (peace be upon Him) imparted the basic teachings of Islam through Qur’an. This articles aims to highlight the significant role played by Dar e Arqam in the early period of Islam.

How to Cite
Abida Parveen, Rafiullah and Barvi, M.M. 2022. The Prophet’s Educational and Propagative Activities in Darul Arqam: An Analytical Study. Al-Idah . 40, - 2 (Dec. 2022), 141 - 163. DOI: