Questions and Answers in Quran: An Analytical and Exegetic Study

الأسئلة والأجوبة في القرآن الكريم (دراسة تحليلية تفسيرية)

  • Hafsa Ghazi Visiting Faculty Member, Department of Tafseer and Qur’anic Sciences, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Keywords: Questions , Answers , Quran , Analytical, Exegetic, Study


Allah has revealed Quran for the guidance of all humanity. Several methods have been employed to discuss and illustrate various themes to ensure the internalization of the divine message. If we are to study the Quran and the anecdotal accounts, instances that have been mentioned, we would find a genre of multiple subjects dedicated to the study of such methods. Linguistic rhetoric is comprised of simile, allegories, antonomasia and almost all the other essential linguistic tools to retain the purpose of competent and synoptic deliverance. Amongst such methods one is the maieutic methodology, which is of great importance in the genre of literary prose. It not only serves rhetoric ends but also assures the reinforcement of Quranic commandments. This article, titled 'Questions and Answers in Quran: An Analytical and Exegetic Study' shall explore this maieutic methodology as employed in Quran.

How to Cite
Hafsa Ghazi 2022. Questions and Answers in Quran: An Analytical and Exegetic Study. Al-Idah . 40, - 2 (Dec. 2022), 26 - 60. DOI: