Al-Iījī Methodology of Qiraat/Recitation and it's Influence on Quranic exegesis in the Perspective of his Exegesis 'Jamey-ul-Bayan' (Qualitative Study)

منهج الإيجي في القراءات وأثرها في فهم القرآن من منظور تفسيره "جامع البيان" (دراسة وصفية)

  • Amjad Hayat Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Culture, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Noor Hayat Khan Associate professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Culture, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
Keywords: Qiraat and their kinds Methodology of Eiji in Qiraat, Qiraat, Jamey-al-Bayan


The Holy Quran holds nothing but absolute divine truth as it is the book of Allah Who assures its preservation Himself: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption)”. This preservation is a divine miracle. Among Islamic disciplines of knowledge, Ilm-ul-Qiraat is a well-known discipline which has been carried through by the Islamic scholars over the course of centuries as they served their lives in teaching, practising and spreading the Ilm-ul-Qiraat. Likewise the scholars of exegesis made efforts for interpreting and explaining the jurisprudence, miracles of Quran and have extracted different teachings from various perspectives. Imam Eiji is one of the scholars of exegesis of Holy Quran who was born in Persia in 8th Century A.H. A review of his famous tafsir “Jamey-al-Bayan” shall be given in this article.

How to Cite
Amjad Hayat and Noor Hayat Khan 2022. Al-Iījī Methodology of Qiraat/Recitation and it’s Influence on Quranic exegesis in the Perspective of his Exegesis ’Jamey-ul-Bayan’ (Qualitative Study). Al-Idah . 40, - 2 (Dec. 2022), 1 - 25. DOI: