Alterations in the Torah and the Gospels in the light of the Quran Karim: An Objective Study

تحريف التوراة والإنجيل في ضوء القرآن الكريم : دراسة موضوعية

  • Zaid M. Abu Zayed Assistant Professor, Department of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences - Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, Islamic university of Gaza, Palestine
Keywords: Alterations in the Torah, Gospels, light of the Quran Karim


The miracle of Quran lies in its preservation which no other scripture may proclaim. Amongst the Abrahamic religions, the Torah and the Bible have also undergone modifications and alterations. Hence the reason that the Muslims believe them to be divinely revealed in their original form but that these scriptures have been abrogated. This article deals with an analysis of the Book of Evidence and concludes that the fact that these scriptures have been altered is demonstrable.

How to Cite
Zaid M. Abu Zayed 2022. Alterations in the Torah and the Gospels in the light of the Quran Karim: An Objective Study. Al-Idah . 40, - 2 (Dec. 2022), 188 - 222. DOI: